Vlog #69 – What is the difference between Google Chrome and Windows?

Video – VLog #69

What’s better Google Chrome or Windows?

Do Chromebooks run Windows?

Can I put Windows 10 on a Chromebook?

Script – VLog #69

Willie Nicol: Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of The Techno Dinosaur Meets The I.T. Geek.

Willie Nicol: I’m Willie Nicol, the Techno Dinosaur because I am technologically challenged. I’m also a personal development life coach based in Troon, South Ayrshire, Scotland, U.K. With me today is my usual partner in crime, the I.T. Geek himself, David Logan. So, David, how are you and where are you today?

David Logan: Hi Willie, I’m great. My name’s David Logan, the I.T. Geek, the guy who takes the jargon out of technology for you, the Techno Dinosaurs out there, like Willie Nicol. I’m based here in Annan, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. Thank you.

Willie Nicol: Thank you David. It’s my turn to ask you a question and I always enjoy this, right.

Willie Nicol: I heard somewhere that Google Chrome, which I thought was just an internet browser, is actually an operating system. So what I wanted to ask you was …. is that the case, and if so, how does it differ from my PC’s operating system, Windows 10?  

David Logan: Fantastic question Willie and the good news is Google is low cost.

David Logan: So, let’s go back to the basics. You mentioned there you’ve got Windows 10 which you and I both use. And then there’s Google Chrome which is another operating system, two options. What is, what is an operating system? So, that depends upon your computer experience. It can impact your productivity and efficiency as we both know because with Windows the more programs you install, the longer you have it, it goes slower. So, each operating system comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

David Logan: Google Chrome is very light weight and it’s more cloud based rather than on the hardware but usually Windows is used to applications involving high loads whereas Chrome, Chrome is more lightweight and runs on lighter hardware. However, if you want to run your laptop or computer on business software you can’t, choices are pretty slim, you’ve only got Microsoft Windows. You’ve got your accounts software, you’ve got your CAD software, where it designs software, mostly its mainstream applications, programs are only Windows applicable. However, if you wanted something that’s got speed and that’s web based, go for Chrome. It’s cheap, it’s lightweight as I say. It’s cloud based most of it, it’s like your smart phone.

David Logan: So, I’m going to go through some quick advantages and disadvantages of both very quickly. So, you’ve got peripheral options, peripheral is being like your mouse, your keyboard, your headset. So, on Google Chrome’s operating system you’ve got both your USB and Bluetooth options and Google has recently launched the “Works with Chromebook” programme to make it easier for you. They don’t have a DVD drive though, but you can get external ones with Chrome. Windows being widely used, you’ll find USB and Bluetooth as well. You’ve got display devices and for sound audio you’ve got the colour codes.

David Logan: Storage, Windows your laptops and computers nowadays come with 1 to 2 terabyte hard drives nowadays. Store all your photos, store your documents, store your scanned images or your family photos. Chrome on the other hand has very little storage, that’s because it’s all stored in the cloud. Speed, if you want speed and you can use the Chrome, go for Chrome because it’s lightweight, it’s got a small hard drive and it doesn’t really store much. And it updates automatically all the time in the background unlike Microsoft Windows that throws a spanner in the works every 2 or 3 months.

David Logan: You want speed typically a machine built for Windows, a small processing power and one made for Google Chrome, however, even if the Chromebook has a basic processor it can still be faster while it performs specific tasks. But it’s a single task at a time whereas Windows can do multiple. And Windows requires you to install a lot of programs that clean up its system, i.e. it clogs up as you install more programs. So, with speed, long run, you might be better sticking with Google Chrome if you can use the programmes.

David Logan: Security, that’s a big thing, we’ve talked about that before on here. Chrome, some commentators say Chrome is securer than other competitors like Windows and Apple. I tend to agree and disagree, this is my personal opinion here. Yes, it’s more secure, why? Because the, I was going to say vermin, not vermin, the hackers know that very few folk use Chrome as a system. But they know most businesses are using Windows operating systems, hence the reason we need antivirus malware programs on Microsoft Windows. Yes, you can get malicious stuff on Chromes and Chrome operating system. Chrome, hang on, let me see here, Chrome is, systems is for the home user, that’s the market it’s reaching for, not really business so security is not a top thing. I’m seeing here .… security .… OK, so, that’s you there

David Logan: The user interface, they both are very, they both are …. got a user-friendly interface. Your Chrome, it’s like your android phone. Basically Chrome is based on android, it comes from Google. Microsoft Windows is Microsoft based. Then your applications, last one here, applications. You can get anything and everything on Microsoft but beware it could be dodgy. Your Chrome operating system, it’s all through Google Play, secure and tested. So, that’s very quickly a number of disadvantages and advantages there between Google Chrome’s operating system and Microsoft Windows.

Willie Nicol: Okay.

David Logan: Have I totally confused you?

Willie Nicol: Yes, this is the look of confusion. However, no, I kind of get it that Chrome personal user, lightweight, quicker but not a lot of storage, yeah?

Willie Nicol: Microsoft …. loads of storage, not quite as fast, put any number of apps on it but it’ll go slower.

David Logan: In the long run, yes.

Willie Nicol: Okay. Well thank you very much David. I now know more about that than I did before. I had no idea that Chrome was actually an operating system, I just thought it was a browser so there you go, every day’s a school day.

Willie Nicol: I hope that’s been useful to you viewers and that you’ve learned something as I have today. So, all that remains for me to say …. thank you to David, stay safe, stay well and, as usual, have some fun! Bye for now.

David Logan: To you the viewer, if I’ve totally confused you, as per Willie, give me a shout. We can expand, expand on more topics, break them down more in the following weeks. Give us a shout. Special thanks to the folk that asked us for this question today.

David Logan: Have fun everybody! Have a great week, enjoy the sunshine. Have a great day. Thank you.

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